Nelly Mbhele is a single mother who lives with her two grandchildren.

ACAT KZN - Helping rural Africans deal with Poverty, Malnutrition and HIV.

Nelly Mbhele is a single mother who lives with her two grandchildren. She has attempted to establish a business and garden, but her efforts have not been successful. She eventually learned about ACAT from a member of our organization, and she made the decision to join the programme for 2023. She joined ACAT with the intention of learning more so that she could resurrect some of her previous businesses, such as gardening and tailoring.

She informed us during our follow- up meetings that the knowledge she gained from ACAT had enhanced the value of what she already had, and she intended to apply it wisely in order to perform significantly better than she had in the past.

Her desire to raise indigenous chickens for sale has always been there, and she has taken the first step toward realizing it by building a poultry house with lovely divisions where hens can lay eggs. Additionally, she has walled off a space for her vegetables, and has planted potatoes. Her only complaint, though, is the difficulty she has with water. Although there is a spring close to her property, it will cost lots of money for her to pipe water to her house and garden. She therefore is looking forward to joining the savings and loans group in 2024, and has agreed to start saving from January 2024.