Nhlakanipho Gwala joined Bantwini Group in 2023 after attending the Basic Life Skills Course.

ACAT KZN - Helping rural Africans deal with Poverty, Malnutrition and HIV.

Nhlakanipho Gwala, (29), joined Bantwini Group in 2023, after attending the Basic Life Skills Course. He says: “After the course I was so motivated and applied the skills I learned from ACAT. Before joining, I was already involved in a piggery business, but due to lack of basic business skills, I did not make a profit. I now see why – and now I make a profit because I keep records of my business. I rear pigs and sell them to the community. I also sell pork which earns me about R3600 a month. I am the only one selling meat in my community, so I have no competition. My dream is to become a successful business man. I also now know the power of saving – and save R2000 monthly in my Savings and Loans Group in order to expand my business by opening a butchery.”