Nhlakanipho Gwala joined Bantwini Group in 2023 after attending the Basic Life Skills Course.
Nhlakanipho Gwala, (29), joined Bantwini Group in 2023, after attending the Basic Life Skills Course. He says: “After the course I was so motivated and applied the skills I learned from ACAT. Before joining, I was already involved in a piggery business, but due to lack of basic business skills, I did not make a profit. I now see why – and now I make a profit because I keep records of my business. I rear pigs and sell them to the community. I also sell pork which earns me about R3600 a month. I am the only one selling meat in my community, so I have no competition. My dream is to become a successful business man. I also now know the power of saving – and save R2000 monthly in my Savings and Loans Group in order to expand my business by opening a butchery.”