After attending area training, Ntombiyenkosi Ndude started a vegetable garden.

ACAT KZN - Please assist rural Africans deal with Covid

Ntombiyenkosi Ndude said that before joining ACAT her situation was very bad. She is a grandmother of 9, and they depended entirely on her social grant. She said she had observed the hard work in the gardens of ACAT group members, and asked them how she could be a part of their movement. She also said she was tired of asking for vegetables from her neighbours. Some of her neighbours were in the programme, and they encouraged her to join the ACAT programme so that she could also provide food for her family.

She was encouraged that the group would support her in her efforts. After attending area training, she started a vegetable garden. She’s is so happy that ACAT came to her rescue, and taught her develop a garden to contribute to food security. She says her mind-set has really changed with regard to developing herself, her family and home.

Together as a family they are improving their home. She’s also thinking about generating income through goats and chickens.

ACAT KZN - Please assist rural Africans deal with Covid